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(c# && c++)

This is my specialism when it comes to game development. Making most of my games in Unity and having experience in both C# & C++. I also have played the role of a technical artist communicating between programming and other roles (like art or sound) 

Public speaking

A skill I find to be pretty useful is public speaking. Taking part in a lot of Drama & Theatre groups I'm used to talking in front of large crowds and giving an entertaining presentation that'll sell a product instantly


Before touching the digital world I had a musical background playing the piano and the flute. This got me into digital music production allowing me to learn a lot of audio editing techniques and catch sounds that not many people will pick up.


Do you remember Flipnote Studio? Well, that's actually where I started my journey. I started making animations on there which are still visible on my youtube channel. I slowly went from 2D drawn animations to rigged 3D animations. As well as knowing how to rig me I also know how to animate it which works well with programming.



Work Experience
General Assistant


Summer Internship

Junior Programmer


Founded Business

Project Lead

The Humble Beginnings

Back in 2017 winter when I was a small little sponge, I was college searching. Wasn’t too sure what career path I wanted to follow post-secondary. It was until I discovered the college I ended up picking, ELAM, that I had discovered the games production industry.


During my time there I only practiced my Animation and Music skills and it had seemed as if I would pick one of those two disciplines. Despite that I picked up programming pretty fast (Probably because of all of the failed javascript Minecraft mods that I did in secondary) and I’ve been the team's programmer ever since

Currently, I’m studying at Teesside University whilst doing a summertime internship at Sports Interactive. Using my time to build my portfolio and my knowledge not only in Software Engineering but also getting general knowledge in the other disciplines as I believe having a broad understanding of the other sections of game development is key when collaborating in a team.

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